We will match information you provide here with our records so that we have a reasonable or reasonably high degree of certainty that you are the individual you claim to be.
For requests for deletion of your information (#4), please print, complete, sign and send the Verification Declaration by email ask@jcbusa.com.
If you are making the request as an authorized agent of the above individual, please send a copy of the Power of Attorney or other written authorization by email ask@jcbusa.com.
Notice to current, former and prospective employees of JCB USA: The CCPA does not apply to information that we collect from you related to your capacity as an applicant or current or former employee of JCB USA. Please read our privacy policy to understand the information we collect, its sources and uses and how we share it.
Notice to employees, contractors, owners, officers and directors of business partners: Information about employees, contractors, owners, officers and directors of companies with whom we do business is exempt from the CCPA.
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